Email Marketing

Email marketing is the highly effective digital marketing strategy of sending emails to prospects and customers. Effective email marketing converts prospects into customers, and turns one-time buyers into loyal, raving fans.

The Importance of Email Marketing
Despite the rise of social media and unsolicited spam (which is never a good marketing strategy by the way), email remains the most effective way to nurture leads and turn them into customers.
Although there are many reasons you should make email marketing one of your top priorities, here are the 3 main ones…

1. Email is the #1 communication channel: Did you know that at least 91% of consumers check their email on a daily basis? That can’t be said of any other communication channel.

2. You own your list: On any social media platform, your account (with all your fans) could be suspended or deleted at any time, for any reason, without notice. However, you own your email list. No one can take those leads away from you.

3. Email converts better: People who buy products marketed through email spend 138% more than those who do not receive email offers. In fact, email marketing has an ROI of 3800%. That’s huge! And if you are wondering if social media converts even better, think again: the average order value of an email is at least three times higher than that of social media.

Email is simply the best way to make sales online.
